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cwpwrdd y geiriau coll / the wardrobe of lost words
Mae hen eiriaduron o eiriau anghofiedig fel cypyrddau o hen ddillad. Unwaith mor ffasiynol; neb am eu harddel mwy. Lluniais ABC o eiriau coll yn ymwneud a defnydd a dillad, edafedd a lliw.
Eu gwisgo i fyny,
eu pwytho yn ofalus,
eu hysgrifennu unwaith eto.
Dod allan am chwa o awyr iach.
Ac yna, cau'r drws.
Old dictionaries of forgotten words are like wardrobes of old clothes. Once so fashionable; but who wants to wear them now?
I made an ABC of words connected to fabric, clothes, thread and colour.
They were dressed up,
stitched carefully,
written out once more.
They came out for a breath of fresh air.
And then, close the door.
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